What your bathroom habits says about your health

I get it—poop isn’t exactly dinner table conversation. But, as uncomfortable as it may seem, talking about poop is essential. Your bowel habits are one of the strongest indicators of your overall health, yet they're often overlooked.

Think back to your last doctor’s visit: did anyone ask about your bowel movements?

Probably not.

But here's the truth: if you're not pooping regularly, it’s a sign that something may be off in your body.

Today, we’ll dive into a question I hear often:

"How often should I be pooping?"

For most people, a healthy frequency is at least once a day. If you’re not going daily, or if the consistency is off, your body might be signaling digestive distress.

Let’s break down some common patterns:

  1. Chronic Constipation – Some people go days without a bowel movement, only to struggle when it finally happens.

  2. Loose Stools or Diarrhea – For others, it’s the opposite; they go more frequently than they'd like, with stools that are loose or watery.

Both of these situations can be uncomfortable and indicate underlying digestive issues.

What Might Be Causing Digestive Issues?

There are many reasons you might be experiencing irregularity, such as:

  • Dehydration – Your digestive system needs water to move waste through your intestines.

  • Food Sensitivities – Certain foods may not sit well with your digestive tract.

  • Intestinal Health – If your gut lining needs healing, it can affect stool consistency.

  • Hormonal Imbalances – Hormones play a role in digestion, including the breakdown of food and movement through the digestive tract.

In my program, we work together to pinpoint what’s causing your digestive issues so you can get back on track.

3 Tips to Get Things Moving Right Now

Here are a few things you can start doing today to support healthier bowel habits:

🚶‍♀️ Move More: Chronic constipation is often more common in people who are sedentary. Regular activity like walking or strength training can stimulate your digestive tract and help prevent constipation.

🫗 Hydrate: Water is crucial for moving food from your stomach through your intestines. Make sure you’re drinking enough throughout the day to support smooth digestion.

👄 Chew Your Food Thoroughly: How you eat impacts how your body digests. Chewing each bite 15-20 times helps ease the digestive process and reduces stress on your system, preventing constipation or diarrhea.

If you’re tired of discomfort every time you eat, constantly running to the bathroom, or feeling like you’ll be in there for an hour, my 3-month program can help.

We’ll take a deep dive into what’s causing your symptoms and create a personalized plan to make your bowel movements a regular, stress-free part of your life.

You deserve to feel better about what’s going into—and out of—your body.


Doing your best, but feel awful doing it?