What is Nutritional Health Coaching?

When I tell people about what I do, the first question is often, “what is nutritional health coaching?”

People often think I help people work on nutrition- what foods to eat and what foods to not eat.

While I do help people with this, there is much more that I help people with as a nutritional health coach. One of the biggest things, I do as a nutritional health coach is help them understand how their symptoms are actually a sign from your body that there is something bigger going on.

Symptoms are actually a sign from your body that one of the processes it needs to function is struggling. Symptoms like digestive issues (bloating, constipation, heartburn, etc) acne, skin rashes, low energy, sleep disturbances, and more are your body’s cry for help.

The cool thing about your body is that it is capable of healing if you know how to listen to it.

This is exactly what I do as a nutritional health coach. I help people understand the cries from their body and then use food, supplements, and lifestyle changes to get healing.

I also help my clients realize the impacts of food. Food impacts every structure, cell, and function of our bodies.

Optimal health is 100% reliant on the foods you are putting in your body.

For example, food provides the building blocks for hormone production. If you are not providing it with the building blocks then your hormone production is going to struggle.

Food helps your body manage stress by telling your body to rest & heal or stay in a state of survival.

Food influences your body’s inflammatory response by telling your body when to increase or decrease inflammation.

Food determines the energy source your body needs to get through the next minute, hour, and day.

However, nutrition and food is confusing in today’s society.

It becomes even more confusing when you are struggling with symptoms that cause you to not feel good. Bloating after meals, heartburn that keeps you up at night, skin rashes that won’t go away no matter what lotion you try.

Yeah it is confusing.

Nutritional health coaching is all about getting to the root-cause of your symptoms to help you finally get to the healing you have wanted.

Is food a part of that equation?


Like Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

But as a nutritional health coach, I also look at the other factors that influence your health. Things like stress, lifestyle, hydration, movement, relationships. All of those influence your health.

Remember that heartburn that kept you up all night long?

I will help you get to the root-cause of that heartburn. Spoiler alert: the tums are not doing you a favor. They are making it worse.

Or those mood swings that have you snapping at your spouse for the 4th time that day?

Yes, there is a root-cause to that too and I can help you get rid of those mood swings once and for all.

Your spouse will thank me too.

So to answer your question, what is nutritional health coaching anyway?

It is an individual, root-cause approach to help you stop feeling awful and reclaim your energy. I help you take the guesswork out of nutrition so you can enjoy lie and stop worrying about how you feel.

Yes, you will learn about your nutrition, but more importantly you will learn to listen to your body and exactly what those symptoms are telling you. You will learn how to heal your body of those symptoms with lifelong tools that will help you prevent those diseases that everyone in your family seems to get eventually.

And yep, it all starts with food.


Maximize your energy with the power of protein


Doing your best, but feel awful doing it?